A book                                                                      twoo books
A chair                                                                       three chairs
A student                                                                              two students

Sonu –y ile biten harflerde bir önceki harfe bakılır. Sessiz ise –ies takısı getirilir, sesli ise normal kurala göre sonuna –s takısı getirilir.
A dictionary (sözlük)                                                            dictionaries
A country (ülke)                                                                    countries
A day (gün)                                                                           days
A way (yol)                                                                           ways

Sonu –ch, -s, -ss, -sh ile biterse sona –es takısı gelir.
A watch (kol saati)                                                                watches
A bus (otobüs)                                                                      buses
A class                                                                                              classes
A bush (çalılık)                                                                      bushes

Sonu –f, -fe ile bitiyorsa –ves takısı gelir.
A leaf                                                                                    leaves
A knife                                                                                  knives
A wife (bayan eş)                                                                  wives

Kuralsız isimler
A child (çocuk)                                                                     children
A person (kişi)                                                                       people
A man             (bir adam)                                                                  men
A woman (bir kadın)                                                             women
A Mouse (fare)                                                                      mice
A tooth (diş)                                                                          teeth
A foot (ayak)                                                                        feet
A fish (balık)                                                                         fish
A goose (kaz)                                                                        geese
A sheep                                                                                 sheep
One patato                                                                            patatoes
One tomato                                                                           tomatoes
Ona radio                                                                              two radios

COUNTABLE (sayılabilen)           UNCOUNTABLE (sayılamayan)
A biscuit                                                        milk
A hamburger                                                  bread

(Çoğul eki ancak miktar belirten kelimenin sonuna gelir.)
A glass of water (bir bardak su). Two glasses of water.
A cup of tea (bir fincan çay). Two cups of tea.
A bottle of orange juice (bir şişe portakal suyu) Three bottles of orange juice.
A loaf of bread. (Bir somun ekmek). Five loaves of bread.
A slice of bread. (Bir dilim ekmek). Two slices of bread.
A piece of cake. (Bir parça kek). Seven pieces of cake.
A jam of marmalade. (Bir kavanoz reçel). Four jams of marmalade.
A bag of sugar. (Bir karton, kutu şeker). Three bags of sugar.
A bar of chocolate. (Bir paket çikolata). Five bars of chocolate.
A bowl of soup. (Bir kase çorba). Eight bowls of soup.
A tube of toothpaste. (Bir tüp diş macunu.) Two tubes of toothpaste.
A kilo of apples. (Bir kilo elma).

COUNTABLE (Sayılabilen)             UNCOUNTABLE (Sayılamayan)
A dollar                                                         Money (genel isimler sayılamayan gruptadır.)
                                                                       Furniture (mobilya)
                                                                       Fruit (meyve)
                                                                       Luggage (bagaj)
                                                                       Food (yiyecek)
                                                                       Equipment (araç-gereç)
                                                                       Beauty (güzellik) (soyut kavramlar)
                                                                       Patience (sabır)
                                                                       Energy (enerji)
                                                                       Music (müzik)
                                                                       Homework (ev ödevi)
                                                                       Languages (diller, English, Spanish, German)
                                                                       Tennis (activiteler)
                                                                       Chess (satranç)

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