Alfabe (English Alphabet)
A B C D E F (1)
G H I J K L M (2)
N O P Q R S T (3)
U V W Y Z (4)

Not: İngiliz alfabesi kelimelerin okunuşunda değil, sadece ve sadece ismimiz veya herhangi bir kelime kodlanırken kullanılır.

How can you spell your name? (Adınızı kodlar mısınız?)
Can you spell your name, plase? (Adınızı nasıl kodlarsınız?)

Where are you from? (Sen neredensin?)
I am from Turkey. I am from Çorum, Turkey.
What is your nationality? (senin ulusun nedir?)
I am Turkish.

Country (Ülke)                       Nationality (Ulus)
Turkey                                    Turkish
England                                  English
France                                    French
Japan                                      Japanese
China                                      Chinese
Italy                                        Italian
Spain                                      Spanish
Mexico                                   Mexican
America                                  American

What is your mother’s nationality?
She is Italian.
Where is your mother from? (senin annen nerelidir)
She is from Italy.
What is your job? (mesleğiniz nedir)
What is your occupation? (mesleğiniz nedir)
What do you do? (mesleğiniz nedir)
I am a teacher. (ben öğretmenim)
She is a doctor. (o doktor)
They are engineers. (onlar mühendisler)
He is a lawyer. (o avukat)
They are nurses. (Onlar hemşireler)
I am an interpreter. (ben tercümanım)
What is your phone number?
It is 234 65 78: Two-three-four-six-five-seven-eight.

Doğum Günü / Tarih Okunuşu:
11/04/1977 : The eleventh of April nineteen seventy-seven.
01/01/1981 : The first of January nineteen eighty-one.
10/12/1999: The tenth of December nineteen ninety-nine.
18/02/2002: The eighteenth of February two thousend two.
24/05/2003: The twenty-fourth of May two thousend three.

Reflexive Pronouns (Kendi)
Myself            Kendim
Yourself          Kendin
Herself                        Kendisi
Himself           Kendisi
Itself               Kendisi
Ourselves        Kendimiz
Yourselves      Kendiniz
Themselves     Kendileri

I did my homework myself. Benim ödevimi kendim yaptım.
She didn’t want to do your homework herself. O ödevini kendisi yapmak istemedi.
He painted his room himself. O odasını kendisi boyadı.
They solved the problems themselves. Onlar problemlerini kendileri çözdüler.

Simple Past Tense
Verbs  - Irregular (Düzensiz Fiiller) – Regular (Düzenli Fiiller)
Regular Verbs (V2)
Cook               cooked
Look               looked
Want               wanted

Love               loved
Like                liked

Study              studied

Slient letters (okunmayan harfler)
Walk               vok
Listen              lisın
Know              nou
Daughter         dootı
Bomb              bom
Knife               nayf
Half                haf
Autumn          ootım
Talk                 tok

Directions (yön tarifleri)
Go straight ahead (Go ahead)           Düz git
Turn right                                           Sağa dön
Turn left                                             Sola dön
Pass the hospital                                Hastaneyi geç
Cross the rood                                               Karşıya geç (yolu geç)
It is over there on the right/left          Tam orada sağda/solda.

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